There are a large number of posts like Heart broken poetry for friends in Urdu for our site viewers so that it would be easy for the users to search and find the relevant post for uploading statuses.
We are posting and sharing some of the best and heart broken sad poetry for poetry lovers and users so they can easily express their emotions and expressions to their lovers.
We have gathered Heart broken poetry for friends in Urdu so you can tag and share these posts easily as we have also given a share and posting button.
The poetry we have presented is for those guys that have failed in love, so this poetry collection will soothe their hearts and will provide them with immense satisfaction.
We dedicate Heart broken poetry to friends in Urdu because it is necessary that there should be one that can understand being heart broken.
You can also visit other pages of our website for relevant poetry. This poetry is special for broken hearts so we hope that you would enjoy it and also read gussa poetry from our site.
The last lines are for tainted hearts:
” Mama em in love with a criminal”
“And this type of love isn’t rational it’s physical”

ایک عجیب سی جنگ ہے مجھ میں
کوئی مجھ سے ہی تنگ ہے مجھیں

“حسن والے جب توڑتے ہیں دِل کسی کا
بڑی سادگی سے کہتے ہیں مجبور تھے ہم”

تمہیں لگتا ہے وہ شخص تمہارا اپنا ہے
جسے چیخ چیخ کر دکھ بتانا پڑتا ہے

ضروری تو نہیں جو خوشی دے اُس سے محبت ہو
پیار تو دِل توڑنے والوں سے بھی ہو جاتا ہے